We are Blazar

Where does the name Blazar come from?

From the English word “blazar” ‹blèi∫ë›: der. “blaze”.

 A blazar is a rare class of quasar in which a jet of particles and light points towards the Earth. It is estimated to weigh as much as 10 billion suns

Our mission

“Great, virtuous and international”

We want to be identified as a place in which people can grow consciously and virtuously

Claudio Brusa

CEO Blazar Group

After graduating in Biomedical Engineering from the Politecnico di Milano and having always been passionate about the world of information technology, he immediately embarked on a career as a computer programmer, eventually covering important management roles in large multinational companies. He founded Blazar Group with the intention of creating a conscious and virtuous working environment, oriented towards professional and personal improvement, in which everyone can express their talents to the fullest.

> How to grow...

in a conscious manner?

By avoiding financial exposures or high-risk activities, from which sudden structural crises could result:
Blazar Group does not require any form of external financing and carefully evaluates the projects and clients to which it devotes itself.
Building personal and professional skills
In Blazar Group there are no “all-rounders”.
By establishing a spirit of collaboration, (and not subordination), in the company-to-company and company-to-worker relationship.
In Blazar Group, merit comes before role.
By believing in excellence.
The best company is the one that can grow and realize the talents it has.

in a virtuous manner?

Having a positive mental attitude.
Being well disposed toward ourselves, at work, in the family, towards society.
Possessing professionalism and competence.
Skills are acquired through commitment, perseverance and dedication, and shown with consistency, humility and courage.
By creating initiatives to meet and share.
“The yardstick for judging your life will not be how much you have accumulated, but how much you have given away” – Wayne Walter Dyer.
By being a role model.
Showing yourself as balanced, professional and consistent enables you to create valuable relationships made of mutual respect and trust.


Our vision

“Fill the gap between imagination and reality”

Being protagonists in the evolutionary process of the human being towards technology. We work to improve the quality of the life, respecting the ecosystem, the ethical principles and common ideals.

> What does it mean to be a Blazarian?

To be one of us means being passionate about technology, believing in one another and looking forward to a costant improvement in our lives.

In Blazar we chose to build a work environment based on merit, understanding and cooperation: a place that offers personal growth as its main value.

This vision allowed us to achieve over 150 completed projects between Italy, Germany and Switzerland. 

Are you interested in our work?

Our team would love to hear from you!


Personal Growth Plan

Thanks to professionals that work towards the understading of our team members
