Personal Growth Plan
> Your key to success

The PGP is a program (Plan),tailor-made for you (Personal), in line with your values and aspirations, that can accelerate the path to the results you want to achieve, in and out of Blazar (Growth).
It aims to support you and provide you with the tools to transform an ordinary professional activity into an exciting growth experience totally in line with your aspirations and values.
↓ What is PGP?
The Personal Growth Plan (PGP) is a structured, customized program designed to guide Blazarians in professional and personal development within the corporate ecosystem.
The main objective is to foster all-around growth by offering resources, tools and support to reach full potential.
PGP represents an extraordinary opportunity for professional and personal growth, understood as a process of change aimed at improving oneself and one’s relationship with others through the development of one’s hidden potential.
To achieve these goals you will be followed by our dedicated team of psychologists, coaches and People Specialists who will build a path tailored to you and your aspirations.
✎ How are we growing together?
In order to make sure we are moving in the right direction, it is necessary to keep in touch, and to achieve this there are various modes of interactions provided in the PGP:
> Weekly – Questions are asked to reflect on what happened during the week and the emotional state at the beginning of the new one.
> Monthly – Informational emails are sent with company news and a request is made to record hours worked on Consuntiveasy.
> Annual – Participation in online and in-person company events.

☆ What are you getting in return?
Blazar follows a meritocratic compensation model, with salaries aligned with skills and experience.
Personal Growth Plans are based on a win-win approach; Achievements in growth areas are rewarded through different recognitions and prizes:
– Most Valuable Player (MVP): Trophy + cash prize for highest overall score.
– Category Awards: Trophy + prize money for the highest score in each growth area.
⊹ Valuable actions
Valuable actions are concrete activities to demonstrate growth in the four key areas.
Each action contributes to the overall score and final assessment.
Here are some examples of valuable actions:
- Obtaining technical certifications.
- Make a role change.
- Create content to enrich share know-how.
- Respond accurately and timely to company communications.
- Provide support and training to colleagues.
- Manage a team in the focal point role.
Driver's role

⟡ What will we work on?
The PGP focuses on four interconnected areas:
✦ Technical Expertise
- Growing technical know-how.
- Choosing projects in line with one’s idea of growth.
- Turning what one has learned into content (videos, articles, documentation, repositories, live coding, etc.).
- Certify the skills acquired.
✦ Collaboration and Active Participation
- Active participation in company life, sharing opportunities for discussion, developing open communication and the ability to get involved.
- Sharing opportunities for discussion with colleagues.
✦ Communication and Problem Solving
- Improved ability to communicate with clients and work team (stand-up meetings, monitoring tasks, decisions, team leading)
- Conflict management,
Problem solving and lateral thinking skills. - Communicating one’s idea (public speaking, elevator pitch, brainstorming).
- Giving and receiving feedback (feedback culture).
- Resolving conflicts and objections.
- Increase proficiency in a foreign language.
✦ Propositivity and Creativity
- Developing the ability to take the initiative.
- Suggesting new ideas and approaches, innovating and finding creative solutions.
- Being proactive and creative is fundamental to innovation.
- Creativity enables the development of original solutions to existing problems.
↳ Which steps are you going to take?
↳ Onboarding (3 months)
- An initial phase devoted to integrating the new Blazarian into the corporate environment.
- Focused attention on becoming familiar with company dynamics, organizational culture, and colleagues.
↳ Beginning of PGP (from month 4)
- Completion of a soft skills questionnaire to assess soft skills and psychosocial resources, followed by a 1:1 meeting with the coach.
- Completion of a hard skills questionnaire for detailed analysis of technical skills, followed by a 1:1 meeting with the People Specialist to gain awareness of the company culture and learn how to manage different activities.
↳ Blazar Review and Development (B.R.A.D.)
- Review and development process that is
takes place twice a year (June/July and November/December). - Self-assessment: completion of a questionnaire to reflect on one’s career path.
- Check with the client’s contact person.
- Performance review: individual meeting with a People Specialist to assess performance and define next steps.
- Report with personalized growth goals, actions to be taken and identification of Valuable Actions.
- Hard Skill upload at each project end.
↳ Driver Definition.
- At the end of the Performance Review, the Blazarian’s Driver is established, who is responsible for coordinating and monitoring the interactions and growth path of the Blazarian

Viviana Riva
PGP Supervisor
Degree in Psychology, Life and Business Coach, expert in Human Resources Management and one of the few Italian trainers with NLP Trainer’s Licence, issued in the USA by the NLP International Society. Over the last 25 years, she has supported and trained hundreds of professionals, companies and institutional bodies in the development of strategic skills, for over 22,000 classroom hours.

Barbara Boldetti
HR Business Partner
Graduated in Law at the University of Milan and after a Master’s Degree at 24ORE Business School, she started her career at Blazar Group embracing the role of HR Specialist; in two years she became Human Resources Manager demonstrating great ability in creating synergic collaborations within the company.